sponsored Trash Clean-up

Pikes Peak Historical Society – sponsored Trash Clean-up

Along US 24

Saturday May 20, 2023 


  We should be done before noon, especially if we have lots of people helping!

Begin at the Museum at 8:45am for a safety briefing and to pick up safety vests and 

the orange CDOT plastic trash bags.

Bring GLOVES and wear comfortable shoes.  Sunscreen and a hat are recommended. 

Bottled water will be provided

We clean the highway shoulders starting from the Kiosk pull off on the east side of Florissant and a short distance into Park County go west to the Buckstitch Saddlery, a total of 3.3 miles.  If you’re not up to strenuous work, the section from the Kiosk to the Conoco station is easy walking.  You must wear the bright colored safety vest and be cautious of traffic.

We put small trash into the bags, place big debris items next to the bags and leave them in a clearly visible location safely near the highway edge. Try to group at least a couple of bags together.  Do not bring bags of trash back to the museum.

Let’s try to get a dozen people out there to make Florissant look good.

Monday May 22  9am  Florissant Pioneer Cemetery Cleanup

We want to clean up the winter debris in preparation of the Memorial Day Event.

VFW Club 11411 will have Commemoration Cemetery events at 4-Mile Cemetery at 10am, Florissant at 11am, and Lake George 12noon.